Permitted Development Rights – PDRs


 Conservation Area design guide



Sample newbuild Planning forms

  Local Planning Authorities use their own 'branded' versions of standard government application forms:-


 1/    Design & Access Statement


 2/    Application for full Planning Permission

                                        Guidance - How to complete this form

 3/     Application form for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved.

                                        Guidance - How to complete this form

 4/     Application form for Outline Planning Permission with Some Matters Reserved.

                                         Guidance - How to complete this form

 5/     Application for approval of Reserved Matters following outline approval.

                                         Guidance  - How to complete this form


     Samples courtesy Thanet district Council

Permitted Development Rights – PDRs

PDRs give you the right to enlarge your property up to a certain amount without needing to make a planning application.

PDRs allow you to add a surprising amount of space to a property without planning consent. You can extend most properties by at least 3m to the rear over 2 storeys, and build single storey side extensions.  You’re allowed to occupy the roof space and extend it by  a generous 50 cubic metres, for example with a large dormer window.

You can even construct garages and outbuildings – all without PP. 

You can construct a garage for a dwelling where none exists, so long as it’s not built closer to the highway than the existing house (unless there would be at least 20 metres between it and the highway). The maximum permitted roof height is 4m  (3m if the roof is flat).

Small porches are permitted (up to 3m high and 3 sq m floor area) as long as there’s at least 2 m from the highway / boundary.

The main restriction on PDRs is where they’ve already been used up – with existing additions or outbuildings (built since 1948) that count against your ‘free allowance’. Dormer windows that have been added will also eat into your PDR allowance. They are also sometimes removed by a condition on a planning consent, and are restricted in Conservation Areas and do not apply to Listed buildings. Councils can even remove PDRs from a whole area by issuing an ‘Article 4 Direction’.

Boundaries & hedges

You can construct boundary walls up to 1 m high where they adjoin a highway, and 2m elsewhere. But you can grow deciduous hedges without any such restrictions. However Councils can enforce legislation to restrict high evergreen boundary hedges, such as leylandii, to a height of 2m. 


In most cases you can construct additional outbuildings – sheds, summerhouses, garden offices swimming pools, ponds and tennis courts – as long as they don’t cover more than half the garden.

There’s a maximum height limit is a generous 4m,  or 2.5m within 2m of a boundary, and they can’t be built to the front of the house, or be visible from the front.[check]

They must be for the use and enjoyment of your home, but cannot be for sleeping accommodation, because building a granny flat for example in the garden would be classed as a separate dwelling. However, you can convert existing outbuildings for use as sleeping accommodation (subject to compliance with Building Regs).


Design and Access Statement

Applications other than Outline applications, including applications for Listed Building Consent


This form is intended to help you put together your Design and Access Statement.  It is based on the guidance in DCLG Circular 01/2006.  The Circular also contains further guidance on what may be required in the Statement.


If your application is an application for planning permission (and not an outline application), please complete sections 1 to 8.  A separate form is available for outline applications.


If your application is for listed building consent, please complete sections 1, 4 to 6, 8 and 9.











Response to context


Please describe your proposal, the design principles and concepts that have been applied, how these have been derived from the characteristics of the site and its surroundings, and how they have led to the physical characteristics of the proposal, as set out in the following sections.








Explain the use or uses proposed, their distribution across the site, the appropriateness of the accessibility to and between them, and their inter-relationship to uses surrounding the site.









The amount of development is how much development is proposed. For residential development, this means the number of proposed units for residential use and for all other development, this means the proposed floor space for each proposed use.


Explain and justify the amount of development proposed for each use, how this will be distributed across the site, how the proposal relates to the site’s surroundings, and what consideration is being given to ensure that accessibility for users to and between parts of the development is maximised. Where the application specifies a range of floorspace for a particular use, the reasons for this should be explained clearly in the design and access statement.









The layout is the way in which buildings, routes and open spaces (both private and public) are provided, placed and orientated in relation to each other and buildings and spaces surrounding the development.


Explain and justify the proposed layout in terms of the relationship between buildings and public and private spaces within and around the site, and how these relationships will help to create safe, vibrant and successful places.


Demonstrate how crime prevention measures have been considered in the design of the proposal and how the design reflects the attributes of safe, sustainable places set out in Safer Places- the Planning System and Crime Prevention (ODPM/Home Office, 2003).









Scale is the height, width and length of a building or buildings in relation to its surroundings.


Explain and justify the scale of buildings proposed, including why particular heights have been settled upon, and how these relate to the site’s surroundings and the relevant skyline.  Also explain and justify the size of building parts, particularly entrances and facades with regard to how they will relate to the human scale.









Landscaping is the treatment of private and public spaces to enhance or protect the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated through hard and soft landscaping measures. Statements should also explain how landscaping will be maintained.


Explain and justify the proposed landscaping scheme, explaining the purpose of landscaping private and public spaces and its relationship to the surrounding area. Where possible, a schedule of planting and proposed hard landscaping materials to be used is recommended.









Appearance is the aspect of a place or building that determines the visual impression it makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour and texture.


Explain and justify the appearance of the place or buildings proposed including how this will relate to the appearance and character of the development’s surroundings.






Access to the development


Explain how access arrangements will ensure that all users will have equal and convenient access to buildings and spaces and the public transport network. Address the need for flexibility of the development and how it may adapt to changing needs.

Explain the policy adopted in relation to access and how relevant policies in local development documents have been taken into account. Provide information on any consultation undertaken in relation to issues of access and how the outcome of this consultation has informed the development proposals.

Access for the emergency services should also be explained where relevant.







Additional information required in respect of applications for Listed Building Consent


Include a brief explanation of how the design has taken account of paragraph 3.5 of PPG15 (Planning and the Historic Environment), and in particular:

  • the historic and special architectural importance of the building.
  • the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building.
  • the building’s setting.


Explain and justify the approach to ensuring that the listed building preserves or enhances its special historic and architectural importance.






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